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Four Sets of Twins in Same Class 'Sad' to Leave

Four sets of twins in a single class are feeling 'sad' as they prepare to part ways. The unique bond shared by these eight students, having spent years together in the same classroom, makes the upcoming separation particularly emotional. Their shared experiences and close friendships have made their time in school memorable and special.

As they move on to different schools or classes, the twins are reflecting on the strong connections they've formed. While they're excited about new opportunities, the thought of leaving their close-knit group brings a tinge of sadness. The bonds they've created will undoubtedly continue, even as they embark on new adventures separately.

A unique group of students, consisting of four sets of twins, are expressing their sadness as they prepare to leave their shared classroom. These eight children have spent several years together, forming close bonds and experiencing many school milestones side by side.

Four Sets of Twins in Same Class 'Sad' to Leave

As they move on to different classes or schools, the twins and their families reflect on the special connection they have enjoyed. Their time together has been marked by shared experiences and mutual support, making the upcoming separation particularly poignant. Despite their sadness, they look forward to the new opportunities and friendships that await them.

Sammy said it was better having lots of twins in the class "because then you don't feel like the only twin".

"And other people get mixed up too, not only you," said his brother Jakey, adding: "You've always got a friend."

Felix said having multiple twins at school meant "other people know how it is".

"We'll be a bit sad, but it's quite a nice experience in Hillcrest," he said.

His brother Rudy said he used to be best friends with a twin who understood the experience and it was "really helpful".

"The good part [about having a twin] is that there's always somebody to play with," he said, adding some of the twins would be going to the same secondary school.


In conclusion, the departure of these four sets of twins from their shared class highlights the deep connections formed during their time together. Their sadness reflects the strong bonds and shared experiences that made their journey memorable. As they transition to new environments, they carry with them the cherished memories and friendships from their class, ready to embrace new opportunities and continue growing.

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